Looking for an Expert Medical Opinion on a Health Issue That's Been Troubling You?
Not Sure Where to Start?

A private chat with one of Attune's highly experienced doctors may be just what you need.

Book 60 Minutes

During your call, you'll have the opportunity to discuss your health concerns and get a professional second opinion on your case.

While the doctor will not be able to make an official diagnosis, she can offer valuable insights, guidance, and wellness recommendations based on her extensive medical knowledge and experience.

The doctor will take the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and provide you with the information and support you need to make informed decisions about your health.

At the end of your chat, you'll leave feeling empowered and confident in your next steps!

How It Works

Select a date and time on our scheduling app
Answer a few brief questions about yourself and your goals for the call

Make a payment to finalize your booking

You will get an email confirmation with the details on how to join your Zoom call

What to Expect:

  • When you book a chat, we will assign you to speak with either Dr. Biscoe or Dr. Egeland. If you would like to speak with a specific doctor, you may indicate your preference.

  • This conversation is an opportunity for us to help you troubleshoot and give you a second opinion with expert guidance.

  • This is a private chat. Anything you share will be kept confidential.

  • We can offer general information and education about your health concerns and goals, and answer general questions about your lab test results.

What Will NOT Happen on the Call:

  • Nothing discussed in this chat is considered medical advice or diagnosis. It is for educational purposes only.

  • We will not advise you to modify or discontinue any of your prescribed medications or medical treatments.

  • We will not give you any recommendations related to medical treatments, surgeries or prescription drugs.

  • This call does not establish a formal doctor-patient or provider-client relationship between you and us.

  • This call will not be recorded (so take notes!)

Refunds and Cancellations:
Chats are a final purchase and cannot be refunded after the call has already taken place.

Chats that are cancelled without 24 hours' notice are not eligible for refund.